Our breath is our lifeline to a long happy healthy life.
In today's fast-paced and often stressful world, many of us are searching for effective methods to reduce anxiety, improve focus, and find a sense of inner peace. Breathwork offers a powerful solution, allowing you to tap into the incredible healing and revitalizing potential of your own breath.
Benefits You Will Begin to feel Immediately
Path to Relaxation
Greater Emotional Balance
Increased Energy

Better quality Sleep
Deeper Connection to your Inner Self
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Breathwork is a Timeless Practice that can empower you to achieve your goals and so much more
Get in Touch

Karen Anne Fasulo, an International Speaker, Certified Breathwork Trainer & Coach, teaches how to use breathwork techniques so you will feel your best. She not only shares with you the techniques but also explains the science behind it.
8 years later and with lots of learning, Karen Anne Fasulo, is a Certified Coach, Trainer, and Speaker as well as a Certified D.I.S.C. Behaviour Analysis Trainer and uses her training, but also her personal experience to help people just like YOU navigate through the steps to happier, healthier life.
Karen’s motto is in order to have a great relationship with your children, you first must have a great relationship with yourself.
How you Can Work With Me

Breathwork is so important to our overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, many people do not breathe properly and are missing out on the important health benefits. If you think about it, the way we breathe when we are calm and peaceful is different from the way we breathe when we are angry or upset. Our respiratory system is the only system in our body that is spontaneous and at the same time under our control.

Incorporate Breathwork into Your Corporate Wellness Program.
It is well-recognized that workplace-related anxiety and stress can contribute to a high rate of employee turnover. As an employer, you have the opportunity to proactively address this issue by providing your employees with the valuable tool of breathwork to effectively manage their stress.
When we hear the word Leadership, we often think of the business world.
Whom do you think all those leaders first learned from? We first learn leadership from our parents.
Creating happy, healthy, harmonious relationships are the best leadership skills you can teach your kids.
I have created a program that will combine teachings from the world's top Leadership master, John C. Maxwell, and the compassion required to lead children who have special needs into a 6-week program.